Mon - Thu: 8AM - 5PM Friday: 8 AM - 11AM
Hosted through an online virtual classroom link that will be sent by email along with instructions and materials that will be needed for the training course. Practical assessments will be conducted using online simulators such as the iDrillSim simulators provided by Drilling Systems.
The Supervisor course addresses more advanced well control topics such as well kill operations and well control risk management. It builds upon the IADC approved Driller course. Following IOGP 476 Guidelines, this IADC certification course is taught by an IADC accredited instructor. Re-certification is required every two years.
This certification course is designed to include well control theory and practical exercises. Participants engage in activities designed to gauge their understanding of well control. Well control policies and procedures are taught from industry best practices.
Participants must demonstrate how to identify the warning signs of a kick, shut in the well using the correct sequence, analyze any post shut-in problems, line up to carry out the well control operation, and circulate kick fluids out of the wellbore while maintaining bottom hole pressure.
Students have practical exercises in a full-sized conventional simulator - an experience unavailable at most Well Control Schools
Course Content:
- Theory and Calculations
- Small-Group Discussions
- Data Sheets and Kill Sheet
- Practice
- Individual Assignments
- BSEE Requirements
- Kick Prevention Methods
Simulator Exercises:
- Kill Sheet for Vertical Wells
- Practical Simulator Testing
- Identify Warning Signs of a Kick
- Shut-in the Well in Correct Sequence
- Analyze Post Shut-in Problems